
Things that I have written.

For alternative bibliographical formats, try the St Andrews Research Portal, the ACM, DBLP, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar or ORCID. If you can’t find anything, just get in touch and I will be happy to send you a copy.


  1. Organising participation in data-driven projects
    Faßbender, Judith, and Henderson, Tristan
    In EASST-4S: the 2024 quadrennial joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Jul 2024
  2. Participatory to what end? Mapping motivations for participatory approaches in data-driven projects
    Faßbender, Judith, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of GoodIT 2024: International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good Sep 2024


  1. Data Rights as a Research Methodology: A Systematic Literature Review
    Habu, Adamu Adamu, and Henderson, Tristan
    In 2nd Annual Conference of the Scottish Law and Innovation Network Mar 2023
  2. The Energy Consumption of the ‘Fediverse’
    Mitchell, Anna,  Henderson, Tristan, and Bhatti, Saleem
    In Seventh Annual UK System Research Challenges Workshop Apr 2023
  3. Layered Large-Scale Legal Systems
    Henderson, Tristan, Mitchell, Anna, and Habu, Adamu Adamu
    In Seventh Annual UK System Research Challenges Workshop Apr 2023
  4. Online Learning as a Commons: Supporting students’ data protection preferences through a collaborative digital environment
    Wong, Janis, Racine, Lea,  Henderson, Tristan, and Ball, Kirstie
    Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law Apr 2023
  5. Enhancing citizen participation through data subject right delegation
    Habu, Adamu Adamu, and Henderson, Tristan
    In IFIP WG 13.8 workshop on HCI for Digital Democracy and Citizen Participation Aug 2023
  6. Data Subject Rights as a Research Methodology: A Systematic Literature Review
    Habu, Adamu Adamu, and Henderson, Tristan
    Journal of Responsible Technology Oct 2023


  1. Data protection for the common good: Developing a framework for a data protection-focused data commons
    Wong, JanisHenderson, Tristan, and Ball, Kirstie
    Data & Policy Jan 2022


  1. Data portability as a tool for audit
    Zwiebelmann, Zoe, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the Ubicomp Workshop on Reviewable and Auditable Pervasive Systems (WRAPS) Sep 2021
  2. Proof of Steak
    Crowcroft, JonHaddadi, Hamed, Gervais, Arthur, and Henderson, Tristan
    Dec 2021


  1. Automating dynamic consent decisions for the processing of social media data in health research
    Norval, Chris, and Henderson, Tristan
    Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics Jul 2020
  2. Co-Creating Autonomy: Group data protection and individual self-determination within a data commons
    Wong, Janis, and Henderson, Tristan
    International Journal of Digital Curation Aug 2020
  3. ‘Oh it’s true, it’s damn true!’ Can kayfabe help us wrestle with the regulation of disinformation?
    Mowbray, Miranda, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Gikii 2020 Jul 2020
  4. Data Protection for the Common Good: Developing a framework for a data protection-focused data commons
    Wong, JanisHenderson, Tristan, and Ball, Kirstie
    In Data for Policy Conference 2020 Sep 2020
  5. Integrating the Data Protection Impact Assessment into the Software Development Lifecycle
    Irvine, Christopher, Balasubramaniam, Dharini, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the 15th DPM International Workshop on Data Privacy Management Sep 2020


  1. Teaching Data Ethics
    Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of Computing Education Practice Jan 2019
  2. Data Protection, certification and the fourth industrial revolution
    Henderson, Tristan, and Schafer, Burkhard
    In Regulating Industrial Internet through IPR, Data Protection and Competition Law Jan 2019
  3. The Right to Data Portability in Practice: Exploring the Implications of the Technologically Neutral GDPR
    Wong, Janis, and Henderson, Tristan
    International Data Privacy Law Aug 2019
  4. Crazy Rich Bayesians
    Henderson, Tristan
    In Gikii 2019 Sep 2019
  5. Employee Surveillance 5.0: Can Data Protection protect 21st-century workers?
    Edwards, Lilian, and Henderson, Tristan
    In 8th Asian Privacy Scholars Network Conference Dec 2019
  6. Technology neutrality through technology architecture
    Henderson, Tristan
    In 8th Asian Privacy Scholars Network Conference Dec 2019


  1. Towards reproducibility in online social network research
    Hutton, Luke, and Henderson, Tristan
    IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing Jan 2018
  2. Responsible Research on Social Networks: Dilemmas and Solutions
    Crowcroft, JonHaddadi, Hamed, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Oxford Handbook of Networked Communication Jan 2018
  3. Bill and Ted’s Data Protection Adventure
    Henderson, Tristan
    In Gikii 2018 Sep 2018
  4. Automating Data Rights
    Veale, Michael, Edwards, Lilian, Eyers, David,  Henderson, Tristan, Millard, Christopher, and Lerner, Barbara Staudt
    In Towards Accountable Systems Sep 2018
  5. Employee Surveillance: The Road to Surveillance is Paved with Good Intentions
    Edwards, Lilian, Martin, Laura, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Amsterdam Privacy Conference Oct 2018
  6. How Portable is Portable? Exercising the GDPR’s Right to Data Portability
    Wong, Janis, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud and Pervasive Computing (CLaw 2018) Oct 2018


  1. Beyond the EULA: Improving consent for data mining
    Hutton, Luke, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Towards Transparent data mining for Big and Small Data Oct 2017
  2. Contextual Consent: Ethical Mining of Social Media for Health Research
    Norval, Chris, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the WSDM 2017 Workshop on Mining Online Health Reports Feb 2017
  3. Does the GDPR help or hinder fair algorithmic decision-making?
    Henderson, Tristan
    Aug 2017
  4. Everybody gets an AI
    Henderson, Tristan
    In Gikii 2017 Sep 2017


  1. The Effect of Privacy Concerns on Privacy Recommenders
    Zhao, YuchenYe, Juan, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) Mar 2016
  2. Predicting consent in online social network health research
    Henderson, Tristan
    In ENTER Mental Health & SDHI Conference Jun 2016
  3. Enabling useful data sharing through format identification and text mining
    Akestoridis, Dimitrios-Georgios, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Repository Fringe 2016 Aug 2016
  4. From machine learning to precrime: prediction, consent and Tom Cruise
    Henderson, Tristan
    In Gikii London 2016 Sep 2016
  5. A robust reputation-based location-privacy recommender system using opportunistic networks
    Zhao, YuchenYe, Juan, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of MobiCASE 2016 Nov 2016
  6. Human-Data Interaction
    Mortier, Richard, Haddadi, HamedHenderson, Tristan, McAuley, Derek, Crowcroft, Jon, and Crabtree, Andy
    In Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction Nov 2016


  1. Data citation practices in the CRAWDAD wireless network data archive
    Henderson, Tristan, and Kotz, David
    D-Lib Magazine Jan 2015
  2. “I didn’t sign up for this!”: Informed consent in social network research
    Hutton, Luke, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the 9th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) May 2015
  3. Making social media research reproducible
    Hutton, Luke, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the ICWSM Workshop on Standards and Practices in Large-Scale Social Media Research May 2015
  4. Some challenges for ethics in social network research
    Hutton, Luke, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Ethics in Networked Systems Research Aug 2015


  1. Facebook or Fakebook?: The Effects of Simulated Mobile Applications on Simulated Mobile Networks
    Parris, Iain, Ben Abdesslem, Fehmi, and Henderson, Tristan
    Ad Hoc Networks Jan 2014
  2. PFClust: An optimised implementation of a parameter-free clustering algorithm
    Musayeva, Khadija,  Henderson, Tristan, Mitchell, John B. O., and Mavridis, Lazaros
    Source Code for Biology and Medicine Feb 2014
  3. Public Review: Ethical research standards in a world of big data
    Henderson, Tristan
    F1000Research Mar 2014
  4. Friend or Flood? Social prevention of flooding attacks in opportunistic networks
    Parris, Iain, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-peer computing and Online Social neTworking (HotPOST) Jun 2014
  5. “Here I am, now pay me!”: privacy concerns in incentivised location-sharing systems
    Hutton, Luke,  Henderson, Tristan, and Kapadia, Apu
    In Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec) Jul 2014
  6. CRAWDAD: A Wireless Network Data Archive for WiSec Researchers
    Henderson, Tristan, and Kotz, David
    In Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec) Jul 2014
  7. Recommending Location Privacy Preferences in Ubiquitous Computing
    Zhao, YuchenYe, Juan, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec) Jul 2014
  8. Data citation practices in the CRAWDAD wireless network data archive
    Henderson, Tristan, and Kotz, David
    In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Linking and Contextualizing Publications and Datasets Sep 2014
  9. Privacy-Aware Location Privacy Preference Recommendations
    Zhao, YuchenYe, Juan, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous) Dec 2014


  1. Incentive-aware opportunistic network routing
    Bigwood, Greg, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Routing in Opportunistic Networks Dec 2013
  2. Understanding ethical concerns in social media privacy studies
    McNeilly, Sam, Hutton, Luke, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the ACM CSCW Workshop on Measuring Networked Social Privacy: Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches Feb 2013
  3. An architecture for ethical and privacy-sensitive social network experiments
    Hutton, Luke, and Henderson, Tristan
    ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review Apr 2013
  4. MobOCloud: Extending Cloud Computing with Mobile Opportunistic Networks
    Pal, Shantanu, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of ACM CHANTS 2013 Sep 2013
  5. Challenges & Opportunities in Human-Data Interaction
    Mortier, Richard, Haddadi, HamedHenderson, Tristan, McAuley, Derek, and Crowcroft, Jon
    In Proceedings of DE2013: Open Digital — The Fourth Annual Digital Economy All Hands Meeting Nov 2013
  6. Editorial
    Vasalou, Asimina,  Henderson, Tristan, and Joinson, Adam
    International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Dec 2013


  1. Reliable Online Social Network Data Collection
    Ben Abdesslem, Fehmi, Parris, Iain, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Computational Social Networks: Mining and Visualization Dec 2012
  2. Privacy-enhanced social-network routing
    Parris, Iain, and Henderson, Tristan
    Computer Communications "01 " # "jan" 2012
  3. Predicting location-sharing privacy preferences in social network applications
    Bigwood, Greg, Ben Abdesslem, Fehmi, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the First Workshop on recent advances in behavior prediction and pro-active pervasive computing (AwareCast) Jun 2012
  4. An architecture for ethical and privacy-sensitive social network experiments
    Hutton, Luke, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity for the Digital Economy Jun 2012
  5. Ethics and online social network research – developing best practices
    Henderson, Tristan, Hutton, Luke, and McNeilly, Sam
    In BCS HCI Workshop on HCI Research in Sensitive Contexts: Ethical Considerations Sep 2012


  1. The impact of location privacy on opportunistic networks
    Parris, Iain, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Autonomic and Opportunistic Communications (AOC) Jun 2011
  2. Bootstrapping Opportunistic Networks Using Social Roles
    Bigwood, Greg, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Autonomic and Opportunistic Communications (AOC) Jun 2011
  3. Practical privacy-aware opportunistic networking
    Parris, Iain, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the British HCI Doctoral Consortium Jul 2011
  4. Targeted Advertising on the Handset: Privacy and Security Challenges
    Haddadi, Hamed, Hui, Pan,  Henderson, Tristan, and Brown, Ian
    In Pervasive Advertising Sep 2011
  5. IRONMAN: Using social networks to add incentives and reputation to opportunistic networks
    Bigwood, Greg, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom) Oct 2011
  6. Context-based Personalised Settings for Mobile Location Sharing
    Ben Abdesslem, Fehmi,  Henderson, Tristan, Brostoff, Sacha, and Sasse, M. Angela
    In Proceedings of the ACM Recommender Systems Workshop on Personalization in Mobile Applications Oct 2011


  1. Privacy-enhanced social network routing in opportunistic networks
    Parris, Iain, Bigwood, Greg, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on SECurity and SOCial Networking (SESOC 2010) Mar 2010
  2. The ambient Loo: caught short when nature calls?
    Haddadi, HamedHenderson, Tristan, and Crowcroft, Jon
    ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review Apr 2010
  3. Planet-Scale Human Mobility Measurement
    Hui, Pan, Mortier, Richard, Piorkowski, Michal,  Henderson, Tristan, and Crowcroft, Jon
    In Proceedings of the Second ACM International Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-Scale Measurement (HotPlanet) Jun 2010
  4. Facebook or Fakebook?: The effect of simulation on location privacy user studies
    Parris, Iain, Ben Abdesslem, Fehmi, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the Privacy and Usability Methods Pow-Wow (PUMP) Sep 2010
  5. Mobile Experience Sampling: Reaching the Parts of Facebook Other Methods Cannot Reach
    Ben Abdesslem, Fehmi, Parris, Iain, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the Privacy and Usability Methods Pow-Wow (PUMP) Sep 2010
  6. Understanding Mobile Social Behaviour Using Smartphones
    Ben Abdesslem, Fehmi, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Observing the Mobile User Experience Oct 2010
  7. Fairness between congestion control mechanisms within WLAN
    Han, Shenshen, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Computer Network and Multimedia Technology (CNMT2010) Dec 2010
  8. Usable data-driven privacy research: should we be afraid of the Big (Bad?) Data Wolf?
    Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of EuroSOUPS 2010 Nov 2010
  9. Editorial
    Abdallah, Maha, Claypool, Mark, and Henderson, Tristan
    International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication Nov 2010


  1. Social Delay-Tolerant Network Routing
    Bigwood, Greg,  Henderson, Tristan, and Bhatti, Saleem
    In Proceedings of the 2nd ICC Winter Workshop on Complexity in Social Systems Jan 2009
  2. Trust and Privacy in Distributed Work Groups
    Anthony, Denise,  Henderson, Tristan, and Kitts, James
    In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Social Computing and Behavioral Modeling Mar 2009
  3. Scaling measurement experiments to planet-scale: ethical, regulatory and cultural considerations
    Henderson, Tristan, and Ben Abdesslem, Fehmi
    In Proceedings of the First ACM International Workshop on Hot Topics of Planet-scale Mobility Measurements (HotPlanet) Jun 2009
  4. Less is More: Energy-Efficient Mobile Sensing with SenseLess
    Ben Abdesslem, Fehmi, Phillips, Andrew, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the First ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Networking, Systems, Applications on Mobile Handhelds (MobiHeld) Aug 2009


  1. The Changing Usage of a Mature Campus-wide Wireless Network
    Henderson, TristanKotz, David, and Abyzov, Ilya
    Computer Networks "09 " # "oct" 2008
  2. MAP: A scalable monitoring system for dependable 802.11 wireless networks
    Sheng, Yong, Chen, Guanling, Tan, Keren, Deshpande, Udayan, Vance, Bennet, Yin, Hongda, McDonald, Chris,  Henderson, TristanKotz, David, Campbell, Andrew, and Wright, Joshua
    IEEE Wireless Communications Oct 2008
  3. Sharing is caring — so where are your data?
    Henderson, Tristan
    ACM Computer Communication Review Jan 2008
  4. A Comparison of TCP Behaviour at High Speeds Using ns-2 and Linux
    Bateman, Martin, Bhatti, Saleem, Bigwood, Greg, Rehunathan, Devan, Allison, Colin,  Henderson, Tristan, and Miras, Dimitrios
    In Proceedings of the 11th Communications and Networking Simulation Symposium (CNS’08) Apr 2008
  5. Revisiting inter-flow fairness
    Bhatti, Saleem, Bateman, Martin, Rehunathan, Devan,  Henderson, Tristan, Bigwood, Greg, and Miras, Dimitrios
    In Proceedings of BROADNETS 2008 Sep 2008
  6. Workshop Report — CRAWDAD Workshop 2007
    Yeo, Jihwang,  Henderson, Tristan, and Kotz, David
    ACM Computer Communication Review Jul 2008
  7. Exploiting self-reported social networks for routing in ubiquitous computing environments
    Bigwood, Greg, Rehunathan, Devan, Bateman, Martin,  Henderson, Tristan, and Bhatti, Saleem
    In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Social Aspects of Ubiquitous Computing Environments (SAUCE) Oct 2008
  8. Promoting Tolerance for Delay Tolerant Network Research
    Crowcroft, Jon, Yoneki, Eiko, Hui, Pan, and Henderson, Tristan
    ACM Computer Communication Review Oct 2008
  9. Social DTN Routing
    Bigwood, Greg, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of ACM CoNEXT 2008 Student Workshop Dec 2008


  1. Virtual Walls: Protecting Digital Privacy in Pervasive Environments
    Kapadia, Apu,  Henderson, Tristan, Fielding, Jeffrey, and Kotz, David
    In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing May 2007
  2. Workshop Report — CRAWDAD Workshop 2006
    Yeo, Jihwang,  Henderson, Tristan, and Kotz, David
    Mobile Computing and Communications Review Jan 2007
  3. Privacy in Location Aware Computing Environments (PLACE): How users’ social context influences willingness to share location information
    Anthony, Denise,  Henderson, Tristan, and Kotz, David
    IEEE Pervasive Computing Oct 2007
  4. Countering terrorism in public places: the D-Scent approach
    Ormerod, Tom, Sandham, Alex, Bull, Ray, Jackson, Mike, Bai, Li, Bhatti, SaleemHenderson, Tristan, and Guest, Elizabeth
    Contingency Today Nov 2007


  1. Measuring Wireless LANs
    Henderson, Tristan, and Kotz, David
    In Mobile, Wireless and Sensor Networks: Technology Applications and Future Directions Apr 2006
  2. Channel Sampling Strategies for Monitoring Wireless Networks
    Deshpande, Udayan,  Henderson, Tristan, and Kotz, David
    In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Wireless Network Measurements Apr 2006
  3. CRAWDAD: A Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data at Dartmouth
    Yeo, Jihwang, Kotz, David, and Henderson, Tristan
    ACM Computer Communication Review Apr 2006


  1. Measuring wireless network usage with the Experience Sampling Method
    Henderson, Tristan, Anthony, Denise, and Kotz, David
    In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Wireless Network Measurements Apr 2005
  2. An Accurate Technique for Measuring the Wireless Side of Wireless Networks
    Yeo, Jihwang, Youssef, Moustafa,  Henderson, Tristan, and Agrawala, Ashok
    In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling Jun 2005
  3. Extracting a mobility model from traces of real mobile users
    Kim, Minkyong,  Henderson, Tristan, and Kotz, David
    Mar 2005
  4. Analysis of a Wi-Fi Hotspot Network
    Blinn, David,  Henderson, Tristan, and Kotz, David
    In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling Jun 2005
  5. CRAWDAD: A Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data at Dartmouth
    Kotz, David, and Henderson, Tristan
    IEEE Pervasive Computing Oct 2005


  1. The Changing Usage of a Mature Campus-wide Wireless Network
    Henderson, TristanKotz, David, and Abyzov, Ilya
    Mar 2004
  2. The Changing Usage of a Mature Campus-wide Wireless Network
    Henderson, TristanKotz, David, and Abyzov, Ilya
    In mobicom2004 Sep 2004
  3. Mobile Applications on a Campus-Wide WLAN
    Henderson, Tristan
    In 19th Annual IEEE Computer Communications Workshop Oct 2004


  1. The effects of relative delay in networked games
    Henderson, Tristan
    Apr 2003
  2. Mobility and Stability Evaluation in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks Using Multi-Player Games
    Fitzek, Frank, Badia, Leonardo, Zorzi, Michele, Schulte, Gerrit, Seeling, Patrick, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Network and System Support for Games (NetGames) May 2003
  3. What Online Gamers Really Think of the Internet
    Oliveira, Manuel, and Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Network and System Support for Games (NetGames) May 2003
  4. Networked games — a QoS-sensitive application for QoS-insensitive users?
    Henderson, Tristan, and Bhatti, Saleem
    In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Revisiting IP QoS Aug 2003
  5. Problems with the Dartmouth wireless SNMP data collection
    Henderson, Tristan, and Kotz, David
    Dec 2003


  1. Observations on game server discovery mechanisms
    Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Network and System Support for Games (NetGames) Apr 2002


  1. Congestion Pricing — Paying your way in Communication Networks
    Henderson, TristanCrowcroft, Jon, and Bhatti, Saleem
    IEEE Internet Computing Sep 2001
  2. Modelling user behaviour in networked games
    Henderson, Tristan, and Bhatti, Saleem
    In Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia) Oct 2001
  3. Latency and user behaviour on a multiplayer game server
    Henderson, Tristan
    In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Networked Group Communication (NGC) Nov 2001


  1. Protocol-independent multicast pricing
    Henderson, Tristan, and Bhatti, Saleem
    In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV) Jun 2000
  2. Modelling multicast pricing using networked games
    Henderson, Tristan
    In The 2000 ACM SIGCOMM Conference Aug 2000